Vermillion The Bounty Hunter
Vermillion focuses on long range basic attacks. With proper positioning and separation from enemies, Vermillion can single-handedly deal out death to the entire enemy team.
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Hero Stats (Max Level)
Attack Damage Attack Range Health ManaHero Gear Sets
Hero Difficulty
How to Play
View a tutorial on how to dominate your opponents with Vermillion
Hero Abilities
- Q
- W
- E
- R
Cheese Shot
Vermillion targets an area to deal damage and apply a movement speed slow for a short duration.
Piercing Shot
Passive: After a certain number of attacks, Vermillion's next attack pierces through all units in its path and deals increased attack damage.
Dead Eye
Passive: Vermillion increases his attack range and gains bonus base attack damage.
Rocket Jump
Vermillion targets an area to deal damage and stun enemies, launching himself backwards.
Hero Gear Sets
Hero Difficulty
How to Play
View a tutorial on how to dominate your opponents with Vermillion
Vermillion Builds
- Peak Damage
- Lifesteal
- Speedy Attack
Role Attack Damage, Glass Cannon
Playstyle This build focuses on making Vermillion a damage dealing machine. With this build, you'll have very little survivability, so good positioning is absolutely key. The build incorporates lots of movement speed to help you keep good spacing from your enemies.
25 Attack Speed
Activate to increase movespeed by 80 and to gain unit walking for 3 sec.
+35 Movement Speed
Attacks apply 20% movement slow to target. Lasts 2.0 seconds.
Slow is less powerful for ranged attackers.
Basic attacks ignore 40% of enemy Resistance.
Grants a 20% chance to deal 2x the damage on an attack.
This build relies heavily on positioning, and Bounder is the perfect pet to fill this need. The slow helps you stick to targets, and the slide lets you avoid being targeted by enemy assassins.
Role Sustained Attack Damage
Playstyle Poke, Poke, and Poke. Staying mobile and constantly harassing the enemy at their sides will be key. Utilize Vermillions long range and CC to keep the enemy at bay.
+130 Health
25 Attack Speed
Activate to increase movespeed by 80 and to gain unit walking for 3 sec.
+35 Movement Speed
+10 Resistance
Reduces Magic damage by 35% for 2 seconds before taking Magic damage. 25 sec cd.
Attacks apply 20% movement slow to target. Lasts 2.0 seconds.
Slow is less powerful for ranged attackers.
Basic attacks ignore 40% of enemy Resistance.
Kiting will be helpful and Bounder has the best kit to help with kiting.
Role Rapid Fire, High Mobility
Playstyle This build focuses on utilizing attack speed and therefore prioritizes levelling up Piercing Shot. Thundercaller will help push out lanes and apply constant pressure while you disengage easily with Windrush and fast movespeed. Farm the jungle and stop pushes with ease by attacking like a machine gun. Positioning is still crucial, survive long enough and you will dish out a flurry of shots that should knock down enemies.
25 Attack Speed
Activate to increase movespeed by 80 and to gain unit walking for 3 sec.
Deals 150% damage to non-hero units.
Activate: provide 100 Movement Speed to nearby allies for a 4 seconds.
+35 Movement Speed
Attacks apply 20% movement slow to target. Lasts 2.0 seconds.
Slow is less powerful for ranged attackers.
+10 Resistance
Grants a 20% chance to deal 2x the damage on an attack.
Razer's Savagery will provide useful attack damage to augment your rapid attacking. Use Razer's bite to sustain HP in lane and go Into the Shadows to survive or initiate with Rocket Jump.
Vermillion Media
Vermillion Lore
Vermillion is a bounty hunter from the jungles of Lyrie. A resourceful loner, the vermin has a reputation of having “killed a million renegades.” He plays by his own rules - namely, half up front. Using his sharp-shooting skills and his trusty shoulder cannon, Vermillion is quickly becoming one of the deadliest participants in the Trials.